Hilton Carnival Parade Registration/ Contact Info.
2025 Hilton Carnival Parade Registration/ Contact Info.

For Any Questions please Use the E-Mail below.
Contact Info hiltonfireparade@gmail.com
July 10th 2025
Click on the link below to Register for 2025 Parade.
Dear Parade Invitee:
The Hilton Volunteer Fire Department cordially invites you to be an honored participant in our annual GRAND PARADE
The parade begins promptly at 7:00 PM. from our Firehouse on Old Hojack. Members of our parade committee will be on-hand to assist in locating your line-up position on Old Hojack. There is adequate parking within walking distance of the parade staging area. However, we strongly suggest parking on the carnival grounds on South Ave. at the parade’s ending point.
To request registration in the Grand Parade go to www.hiltonfd.org under the Menu select the Grand Parade Registration. Fill out the request form and hit the submit button, An acknowledgment email will be sent shortly thereafter confirming your registration with instructions. Also on the website you will find the map of the parade route and the Parade Lineup when it is ready to publish.
In addition to your usual professional and respectful conduct, there are a couple of specific parade rules to remind you of:
- There will be no throwing candy, beads, souvenirs, mementos, etc (of any sort) to the parade viewers along the line of march.
- The handing out literature of any sort is not permitted.
- Deliberate halting or interference with the continuous movement of the parade performing drills, dances, routines, electioneering, etc. (or the like) is strictly forbidden. Any group, person or persons halting the parade by such conduct will be immediately removed from the line of march. Automobiles must driven in a safe manor, without excessive noise or unsafe actions.
- Persons or their representatives campaigning for elected office will not be allowed to participate in the parade. Existing elected officials and their families only, may participate but campaign signs of any kind will not be allowed.
We hope that you will do us the honor of joining us for this annual event and THANK YOU in advance for your participation and cooperation. It is our privilege to welcome you to our village and to extend the hospitality of our fire department.
If you have any questions please call me @ 392-8601 or visit www.hiltonfd.org
Sandi Harrvill, Parade Chairman